Our success depends on our reputation for achieving high standards of conduct, and that’s why we have adopted a zero-tolerance approach to fraud. Fraud will not be tolerated under any circumstances.
Reaffirming our commitment to acting with integrity, our Good Conduct Framework aims to prevent, detect, avoid, and respond to fraud. Adherence to the Code of Conduct and the Fraud Control Standard ensures that all our employees and stakeholders are working in the same direction as we do, and helps us achieve excellence in work operations.

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We encourage our employees and stakeholders to make use of the whistleblowing reporting mechanism we have established to solicit information about potential fraud. If you become aware of any instances of fraud, or believe a situation may involve or lead to a violation of the Code of Conduct or the Fraud Control Standard, please report this using the link below:
Modon Ethics Line

We don’t tolerate retaliation against anyone for using the Modon Ethics Line to report a fraud or unethical behavior in good faith. Individuals who raise red flags about possible fraud or unethical behavior play an important role in maintaining our ethical workplace and ensuring that we always do the right thing.

You can report your concern using one of the following options:
Option 1
Option 2
  • Complete the form below:
Reporting Form

Please attach any document or file that supports your report

* Max File size: 10 MB. Allowed types: pdf, doc, docx, jpg, jpeg, png, txt

By submitting this form, you declare that you are reporting matters in good faith, and to the best of your knowledge, all the information provided isfactual.
